Board member.
She has been with Green Development to facilitate for the Madagascar Ethanol Stove to be implemented, since 2012. Jessie ANDRIAMASINORO is also an employee of Clean Cooking Madagascar as a Program Quality Assurance Manager.
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She has been with Green Development to facilitate for the Madagascar Ethanol Stove to be implemented, since 2012. Jessie ANDRIAMASINORO is also an employee of Clean Cooking Madagascar as a Program Quality Assurance Manager.
After Majunga and Ambilobe, it is the turn of Antsiranana
Interactive workshop for a support plan on the use of ethanol in Madagascar
Where are the kiosks in Madagascar?
Refractometer, 0-20% Brix for sale
LPIP PANA GREEN at “Journée Mondiale du Tourisme” in Manakara
Ethanol is available in Antananarivo in two new kiosks
SAFI international
Visit website