Working on promoting the use of ethanol stoves in Madagascar, Clean Cooking Madagascar is an NGO whose team is composed of a diverse group of people from Madagascar as well as one person from Norway.
General Manager of Green Development AS
General manager of Green Development: Managing the “Madagascar Ethanol Stove Program” which is a Program of Activity, part of the Clean Development Mechanism developped by UNFCCC for the Reduction of emission from non-renewable fuel from cooking at household level and has a solution to distribute ethanol stove which is a clean and renewable solution for cooking in Madagascar.
President of Clean Cooking Madagascar
President of Clean Cooking Madagascar: She is managing the team, she makes sure all activities work efficiently
Program Quality Assurance Officer
The Program Quality Assurance Officer is in charge of insuring that all the safeguards requirements are met by all stakeholders of the program. Besides, this person is in charge of insuring that there is no negative impact of the program on the environment.
Micro distillery support manager
The Micro distillery support manager is responsible for developing and implementing systems that optimize all micro distillery operations. This includes studies on plant efficiency, feedstock usage, ethanol production, waste management and safety section.
Board member.
She has been with Green Development to facilitate for the Madagascar Ethanol Stove to be implemented, since 2012. Jessie ANDRIAMASINORO is also an employee of Clean Cooking Madagascar as a Program Quality Assurance Manager.
Vice president of Clean Cooking Madagascar
Vice president of Clean Cooking Madagascar: legal advisor and responsible of supporting the different partners in complying with the differnet national requirements
Advisor of Clean Cooking Madagascar
Advisor of Clean Cooking Madagascar. She provides answers to the problematics of the NGO thanks to her outside view. She is in charge of diagnostics and observations, immersion and audits.
Secretary of Clean Cooking Madagascar
Secretary of Clean Cooking Madagascar: Responsible of communications and correspondence, maintaining the records and the archives, setting up invitations to meetings, summary records of meetings and announcements of events.
Cashier of Clean Cooking Madagascar
Her responsibility is to monitor and regularize the funds received by Clean Cooking Madagascar, the different expenses and their respective justifications.